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Success stories

Directual is great, but don’t take our word for it. See what our customers have to say, and learn how much they’ve improved their product journey since our paths crossed.

A chore & task tracker for children—built on Directual

Automating children’s chores—now that’s innovation! Discover the app that made so many parents happy, and as many children, behaved.

May 18, 2024
Eugene Doronin

Driving a career shift on a dime: case study

Discover how Nikita Smirnov jumped into no-code with the help of Directual and began his journey first as a supercharged performance manager, and now as a full-stack software developer.

September 13, 2023
Pavel Ershov

Helping retail chains run education marathons for 40k people: Habithero case study

Sometimes a fun little project really grows out of proportion and starts to carry entire retail networks when it comes to personal education. This is precisely the case for Leo Byakov, the founder of Zerocoder and Habithero.

August 5, 2023
Pavel Ershov

Sports event dashboard on no-code: a passion project by Directual’s CEO

Be like water, my friend. Check out this amazing case of how Pavel Ershov, the CEO of Directual, created a Wushu tournament management system better than those at Olympic events. In three days.

July 25, 2023
Pavel Ershov

Building a successful e-health mobile app with Directual: Kale Coach case study

Product marketing turned into full-blown app development. Discover this amazing case of how one person can create a powerful e-health app and handle the entire project scope single-handedly—all thanks to Directual.

June 29, 2023
Pavel Ershov

One + One = ONE! Solo dev agency built on Directual

Discover how Mike Kruglov manages multiple development projects at the same time with some grit, know-how, and Directual. Perfect case study for solo-devs and startups.

June 19, 2023
Pavel Ershov

Building an LMS with 47,000+ students on Directual: Evidpo case study

Discover how Evidpo built an advanced LMS with automated document processing, heavy-duty databases, perfected sales process, and complete integration between students, companies, accounting, sales, and government entities—all in Directual.

April 3, 2023
Pavel Ershov

Mokka: a no-code risk-scoring system built on Directual

Rules, models, third-party service calls, and a lot of moving parts to make a decision. See how Mokka handles risk-scoring with Directual—built by a single Risk Technology Manager.

March 16, 2023
Leo Khellenbrand

Rockstar dev agency on Directual: No-code Masters

Check out the success case that produces even more success cases: No-code Masters software development agency! A tough journey into the world of no-code, and settling down with Directual as the backbone of any heavy-duty project. More inside!

February 27, 2023
Leo Khellenbrand

Business automation with Directual: clickworks.io case study

Discover how Nuno Poço utilizes Directual as a powerful backend platform and delivers successful projects to his customers, fast.

February 20, 2023
Pavel Ershov

UI-snippets case study: a helping hand for web devs, by a no-code dev

Where to find eye candy elements for your website? UI-snippets is the place for that—built by a single no-code developer, in under a month. Check out this case study and see how Kamil Nader created his app with the help of Directual.

February 6, 2023
Leo Khellenbrand

Venture capital portal + CRM: Solyanka & Joint Journey case study

Check out this amazing case study of a venture capital CRM that includes portfolio and pipeline management. It's perfect for a large team of managers, analysts, and thousands of startups.

December 6, 2022
Leo Khellenbrand