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Directual blog

Get the latest news about the no-code frontier, tips & tricks to building apps fast, and our own ramblings on no-coding.

Hamster Kombat: Why is it so popular?

The ultimate tapper that earns you money. How does it work? Can you build one yourself? The answers to all these questions are within. Read up, fellas!

July 15, 2024
Leo Khellenbrand

Top 5 Innovative Telegram Mini Apps

Telegram Mini Apps—more than just fun & games! See the top innovators of Q2 2024.

July 9, 2024
Eugene Doronin

Telegram Stars: what is that and how does it work with no-code

Telegram Stars + Telegram Mini Apps + No-code = $$$! See how this works and how to get started.

June 27, 2024
Eugene Doronin

A no-coder’s guide to The Open Network and Toncoins

Witnessed the meteoric rise of the Toncoin and want to build your own thing with it? This guide will tell you all about Toncoin, and how it works.

June 15, 2024
Nikita Navalikhin

Directual Pricing update

See the latest changes to our pricing.

May 30, 2024
Pavel Ershov

Top 10 no-code form builder platforms for 2024

Got a form for someone to fill out but no desire to code-monkey the whole thing? Look no further—10 options to choose from, right here.

May 13, 2024
Pavel Ershov

Are no-code platforms like Directual compliant and secure?

Thinking no-code platforms will run away with your data? Think again, or better yet—read this and it’ll help you sleep at night.

April 30, 2024
Pavel Ershov

Top 7 no-code data extraction and scraping tools for 2024

Got data you need to yoink but not sure how? Go the no-code way—let someone do it for you. This list will help you pick your winner.

April 26, 2024
Nikita Navalikhin

Workflow optimization: 12 strategies for no-coders

Things going down the drain? Little tasks taking forever to deliver? No one knows what to do? Here’s 12 whacks you can dish out to nail the processes back in place.

April 17, 2024
Pavel Ershov

No-coding and affiliate marketing: top 10 directions for 2024

Discover how affiliate marketing can turn your online presence into profit by focusing on niche markets. Monetize blogs and social media effortlessly.

April 5, 2024
Eugene Doronin

Introducing a new way to earn D-coins!

Earn D-coins by shouting about Directual everywhere! See the full list of rewards for your social network activities.

March 27, 2024
Pavel Ershov

How to make the most out of Directual’s pricing and resource limits

For everyone on the fence about trying and worrying about the small print: see in depth how Directual pricing and operational limits work! The platform is as pay-as-you-go as it gets.

March 19, 2024
Pavel Ershov

Creating an employee portal with no-code

Imagine HR as a wild jungle. A bit more civilized though, thanks to the order of no-code development. See how you too can tame it.

March 14, 2024
Pavel Ershov

Do you need a Telegram bot for your business in 2024?

Yes, you do—especially if you’re in an area where it’s used a lot. Don’t really know? Hop in, check out primo data on Telegram bot use, as well as handy instructions on how to make one.

March 7, 2024
Nikita Navalikhin

Directual Update: refreshed API-builder

This short article will walk you through our latest API builder update, including new features such as updated API endpoints menu, visual editing for filters, new endpoint testing menu, new functionality, and more. Let's get started.

February 21, 2024
Eugene Doronin