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Directual Update: refreshed API-builder

February 21, 2024

This short article will walk you through our latest API builder update, including new features such as updated API endpoints menu, visual editing for filters, new endpoint testing menu, new functionality, and more. Let's get started.

Well, you can't kill progress and you can’t stop Directual from getting better!

Our secret development department has released another batch of goodies for you.

Disclaimer: Tests conducted by our secret development department have shown that using the updated API builder can increase the development speed of an application by 20%!

Wait, do you even remember what an API is? An API or Annoyingly Persistent Interface  Application Programming Interface is a software intermediary that allows two applications to talk to each other using a set of definitions and protocols. 

The best thing about APIs is that you can configure role-based access to manage access to the API. This way, each user or group is assigned a specific role that determines the permissions granted to perform operations on an API, thereby increasing the security of your data.

So what's new in the API builder? Quite a lot. Have fun!

  • Updated API endpoints menu: Now you can clearly see the roles for which a particular endpoint is available, an associated synchronous scenario, if any, and a label indicating whether this endpoint is public.
  • New configuration window for endpoints and folders: Managing a large number of endpoints is now easier, as is working with query parameters. All thanks to the new modal configuration window.
  • Visual editing for filters: Combine different conditions, operators. All in a new visual editor.
  • Direct endpoint management: Now you can manage, edit and create endpoints directly from the database section or webpage.
  • Autofill fields: Fields in POST requests can be automatically filled, such as the user ID, headers, and parameters, streamlining data entry processes.
  • New endpoint testing menu: I mean, Postman is good, but testing your endpoints inside Directual is even better.

Want to learn more about the update? Watch the full video here:

That will be all for now, folks. Stay tuned for more!


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