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February 2021. New platform features

February 11, 2021

2021 has just started, but we are ready to announce new features and a new pricing plan. We’ve significantly improved Cards and Form components, introduced update of Telegram step and added the feature of connecting custom domain name to your app.

Your own custom domain name

Previously, you could run your app, built on Directual web-page builder, only on a subdomain of .directual.app. But now—get your app up and running on your own personal URL! It can be both first-level address (e. g. mylovelyapp.com) and a subdomain (e. g. crm.mycompany.com). Setting it up is rather easy. Go to Web-pages section →Web-portal settings → Custom domain. Note that this feature is available on Pro and Business pricing plans. Moreover, Directual automatically provides SSL ("secure socket layer") to encrypt your app. SSL is the standard method for establishing an encrypted link between a web server and a browser. It ensures that all data passed between the web server and browsers remain private and integral, so you and your website's visitors can rest assured that your information is safe.

Telegram step update

Directual-Telegram integration has been updated as well. New Telegram step could seem more complex, but it is absolutely flexible. You can use all the features of Telegram API thanks to so called step Pro-mode, where you can compose any request of any Telegram method you like. At the same time, users can use simplified step mode, for sending text messages with reply keyboards.

You can find examples of using new step in the template (Telegram bot).

Actions in Cards component

Cards component has become even more convenient for managing your data and organising some business processes (e. g. approval process). New feature was added — Actions. These are an opportunity to connect additional API-endpoints for creating/updating objects. Actions look like f form or a button on the card. Moreover, an action can be called from connected card.

You can also set some conditionals on actions — they can depend on the object fields values of users parameters. For example, you can create a system where managers change order statuses (assign to themselves), and the lead manager will be able to reassign the orders.

Dynamic sections in Form component

Often you need to change the form dynamically, depending on what user enters. Now it’s available in Directual Form component. First and foremost, you can group the fields in sections, and then make some sections dynamic, setting up the conditionals.


Directual community is growing, most of the introduced features were demanded by our users. In order to serve Directual customers better, we launched Facebook group, where you can always get assistance from seasoned Directual developers, suggest new features and connect one of the founders directly!


How do I set up a custom domain name for my Directual app?
How do I set up a custom domain name for my Directual app?

To set up a custom domain name for your Directual app, go to the Web-pages section, then Web-portal settings, and click on Custom domain. You can choose either a first-level domain or a subdomain, and Directual automatically provides SSL encryption to keep your information safe.

What is the update to the Telegram step integration in Directual?
What is the update to the Telegram step integration in Directual?

The Telegram integration has been updated with a new step that includes a Pro-mode, which allows you to use all the features of the Telegram API. There's also a simplified mode for sending text messages with reply keyboards.

What new feature was added to the Cards component in Directual?
What new feature was added to the Cards component in Directual?

Directual has added Actions to the Cards component, which enables you to connect additional API-endpoints for creating or updating objects. Actions can have conditionals based on object fields values or user parameters, and they can be called from connected cards. These features make it easier to manage data and organize business processes, such as an approval process.

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